The Little Blogs That Could – Liebster Award

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABeing under the radar is the best kept secret. I feel free to wander, dream, think small, think big, hope, cry, laugh and nobody bothers me for explanations.

I am a woman, I am a daughter, I am a mother, I am a sister, I am a child, I write, I cook, I capture images, I tell jokes, I tease, I design, I sing badly, I daydream, I critique, I admire, I want, I need, I cry, I love, I dislike, I fit in, I don’t fit in, I drink, I feed, I please, I cringe,  I am artistic, I am onto something, I have no idea, I think a lot, I want to be out there, I am right here, I think therefore I am, I make sense, I don’t know what I am talking about,  I talk about it, I am ridiculous, I am clever, I am scared, I am happy, I write some more.

This is a path to sharing with you.

Thank you Anne from for reading my words and nominating me for the the Liebster Award. It made my day to be recognised by a fellow blogger and it sets the stage for networking and support.

You asked  – so here are a few facts about myself in addition to the above thoughts running away from me like a mad chef dealing with a collapsing souffle in a sweaty hot kitchen:

1. In which country do you live / have you lived?

– I was born in Alexandria Egypt but grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. As a young woman, I immigrated to Canada. There I lived in Montreal,Toronto and then finally settled in Vancouver, British Columbia. Then with my husband and daughter, we lived in France, Nordheim in Alsace and then Aix en Provence in the south of France. Later we moved to London, UK and we have been here for 16 years. The question is where to next?

2. What is your favorite cookbook?

The Complete Midditerranean Cookbook by Tess Mallos

3. What is the one food you could not live without?


4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

– Mexico

5. What’s the most bizarre food you have ever tried?

Buttercream in cakes

6. What’s your favorite American dish?

– Hot dogs

7. Have you always been passionate about food and cooking?

– Yes

8. If you had to eat the same dish every day for one week, what would it be?

Spaghetti a la puttanesca sauce

9. What’s your favorite way to exercise?

– Wading in the Mediterranean sea

10. Coffee, tea, or water?

– Coffee

11. What was your favorite meal when you were a child?

– Falafel in pita filled with tahini sauce, tomatoes and pickles

Others things in my biography: I once owned a restaurant called Joie de Vivre Mediterranean in London for 10 years. I am in the process of creating a cake business. I love my husband and my daughter. Travelling is precious to me if it included good food, sun & sand. Cowboy films are an obsession. Martinis and Margaritas are my favourite drinks. I love the Orient and its food. Spicy food is what I enjoy the most. I wish to live by the Mediterranean in a beach hut.

Here are the 11 bloggers for the Liebster Award:

  1. Johara  at
  2. Carissa  at
  3. Maggie at:
  4. Michigan girl at
  5. Nikki M at
  6. http:
  7. Edwina at
  8. Noam at
  9. La dolce Vita at
  10. Yasin at
  11. amorelleb at

Here are my questions to you my friends:

1- What secrets have you learned in the last few weeks?

2- What do you love the most about your life?

3- What annoys you the most about your life and what are you doing about it?

4- What is your favourite cake?  Do you like icing and butter creams on cakes?

5- What kind of markets do you visit in your town and why?

6- What is your dream lifestyle?

7- If you left your job and country where would you go?

8- What is your philosophy about the current worldwide situation in a few words?

9- What type of food do you crave usually?

10- Which country do you live in and which country you wish to live in? (or City)

11- What do you wish my last question to be?

Cheers to creative blogging – Thank you and good luck


Please note that the following information is taken from Anne regarding the Liebster Award and rules: Thank you Anne for this. 

“To accept this award there are a few rules that need to be followed so that others can learn a little more about you 

  • Post 11 random facts about yourself
  • Answer the 11 questions the person that nominated you asked
  • Go back to the person that nominated you and let them know you have answered their questions with a link to the answers
  • Ask 11 questions for the bloggers you are going to nominate
  • Nominate 11 bloggers with few followers
  • Go to their blog and mention you have nominated them and give them a link to find the questions you have asked them and to find out more”  from Anne’s Healthy Kitchen. 

7 thoughts on “The Little Blogs That Could – Liebster Award

  1. Hi Yasmine,
    this is great! Thanks so much! I enjoyed reading all these details about you, now I know you better! Et je vois que l’on peut aussi parler français…j’adore le taboulé et je fais des falafels tout le temps en été.
    This year I’ll make new recipes from your blog!
    Happy cooking, and keep in touch.

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